YaYa's Alpaca Farm

Making Sweet Memories One Visitor At A Time!

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Christmas 2023

I want to thank everyone who attended the Christmas event this year! The joy you bring us is immeasurable!

We hope you found the joy we hope to help you find, we hope the memories last a life time. 

This year was YaYa's first since his medical emergency in 2022 and what a joy it was for him to be here with all of you. YaYa got to meet some of his medical miracle workers this year which really helped him. I want to Thank all of the EMS crews, Hospital staff who cared for him. Being able to see some of you brought me joy as well, the work you do is hard and never are you thanked enough for being the angels during such trying times. I know I was once in your shoes too. Many Blessings to all of the medicaal community for all you do!

Being able to see the folks from last year come back and talk about this experience was very healing. Sharing your experience was very helpful as well. 

Next year we will need to make some small adjustments to the schedule. You will be able to see the most up to date information on our website. As we get closer to the holiday season 2024, we will start making decisions and changes so you can be up to date.

One thing that I know was hard for many was availability. We tried to get all we could in and for those we couldn't I am so sorry it didn't work out. Planning for next year (which is hard even a month from start time) is to book as soon as the calendar opens November 1st for booking. Our regular farm tours are open year round so maybe we can see you during one of those times.

Thank you Jana and friends for visiting the farm and creating such amazing content to share with all your followers! Each of you did an amaazing job. We were truly blessed by your aamazing talent!

Bless all of you for spending time with us! 

May the nest year bring you all prayers answered, wishes come true and more. 

Thank you aagain for being part of our farm family!

Kathy, YaYam and the alpacas 


*We are not responsible for information/content that is provided by others or old infornmation on the web. Please see our website information for the most current content.